Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 29 March, 2024.

Welcome to "Music Player: Play MP3 Songs" your go-to music companion for enjoying all your favorite tunes in one convenient app. We prioritize the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data when you use our application.

1. Information Collection and Use

We don`t collect any personal information from its users. We do not require you to create an account or provide personal details such as names, email addresses, or phone numbers to use our application.

2. Data Storage

"Music Player: Play MP3 Songs" may store data locally on your device, including music files imported into the application. This data is securely stored on your device and is not transmitted to our servers or any third parties.

3. Permissions

"Music Player: Play MP3 Songs" may request permissions to access certain features on your device, such as storage, background music playback, to enable functionality within the application. These permissions are solely used to enhance your user experience and are not used to collect or transmit personal information.

4. Third-Party Services

"Music Player: Play MP3 Songs" may integrate with third-party services for the purpose of importing music files or providing additional features. Please note that these third-party services may have their own privacy policies, and we encourage users to review them before using such services.

5. Changes to this Privacy Policy

"Music Player: Play MP3 Songs" reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be reflected within the application, and we encourage users to review the Privacy Policy periodically for any updates.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the privacy practices of "Music Player: Play MP3 Songs", please contact us at

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